Hanging High Hammocks is a proud partner of the National Forest Foundation
Why Plant Trees?
The simplest reason for Hanging High Hammocks is that trees are essential for hammock camping but the importance of planting trees goes much deeper then that. Our National Forests are being affected by wildfires, insects, and disease at an alarming rate. Without trees to do their job of reducing CO2 in the atmosphere, our climate will continue to decline. Did you know that one mature tree can absorb roughly 10 pounds of air pollutants each year? Two trees produce enough oxygen for one person a year!
From Our Partners
Their goal is to have 50,000,000 tress planted by 2025. Why 50 million trees? That many trees will improve tens of thousands of acres of wildlife habitat, restore important watersheds that supply Americans with water, and reduce millions of metrics tons of carbon dioxide!
Since Earth Day in 2018, The National Forest Foundation has planted 17,000,000 trees across 33 National Forests.
Trees are planted in areas that have experienced a natural disturbance and only plant native and ecologically appropriate species. Each project is different based on the ecological impact and the specific forest. Sometimes they plant only one species and sometimes multiple.